Phytochemical Profile and Antibacterial-AntiQuorum Sensing Properties of Citrus medica L.

Antiquorum sensing, Citrus, phytochemical, PAO1 , violaceinAbstract
Introduction: Natural resources are becoming more and more important as the need to find solutions to the antibiotic resistance growing crisis. The assessment of medicinal plants' antibacterial and antiquorum-sensing properties is gaining popularity in this field of research every day. The study reported here aimed to investigate the inhibitory activity of the methanolic extract of Citrus medica L. on the inhibition of violacein pigment production in Chromobacterium violaceum ATCC 12472 and some virulence factors in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1. Additionally, the phenolic content of the extract was also determined by HPLC analysis.
Methods: The phytochemical content of the plant extract was determined and its antibacterial activity on some bacteria was tested. Also, antibiofilm effect on PAO1 was determined, and violasin pigment inhibition on C. violaceum was investigated.
Results: It was observed that the methanolic extract had an inhibition effect of 32% on violacein pigment production and a strong inhibition effect of 88% on biofilm formation caused by PAO1. According to the results of the phytochemical content analysis, benzoic acid was determined as the major component of the extract with a concentration value of 41.9 μg/mL.
Conclusion: Citrus medica L, like many plants, has antibacterial and antiquorum sensing activity and may be a potential agent in the fight against infectious diseases.
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