Cytotoxic activities of Helichrysum arenarium on ECV 304 and Ishikawa cells

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Helichrysum arenarium, cytotoxicity assay, MDA assay, GC-MS, Ishikawa cells


Introduction: In this study, the cytotoxic activity of Helichrysum arenarium plant on various human cells were examined.

Methods: Cytotoxicity results were found to be the most significant Helichrysum arenarium plant with DMSO extract ECV 304 (human endothelial cell line) and Ishikawa cells (human endometrial adenocarcinoma cells) and lipid peroxidation (MDA) assay was performed. The most significant extract dose was determined according to the experimental results. Also, the essential oils of immortelle extracts were analyzed using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.

Results: Cell viability and MDA levels were decreased by the extract of Helichrysum arenarium both in Ishikawa cells and ECV304 cells at the concentration level of 500 µg/mL. 2-Palmitoylglycerol and palmitic acids were found as the major essential oils in DMSO extracts of Helichrysum arenarium.

Conclusion: Helichrysum arenarium may show an antioxidant activity in vitro.


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How to Cite

Aricioglu, A., Cebecioglu, R., Akagunduz, D., Kul, A., & Catal, T. (2024). Cytotoxic activities of Helichrysum arenarium on ECV 304 and Ishikawa cells. Pharmedicine Journal, 1(2), 94–101.


